Wushu Class


2:00pm EDT

All are welcome to join!

Wushu Course Overview

First Class:


  • Roll hands and ankles, horse stance straight arm stretch, horse stance, bow stance, sweeping stance, empty stance, straight leg stretches, butterfly stretch.

Teach the way to do a bridge

Teach how to do side splits and middle splits

Teach how to do hammer fist

Start teaching 套路 segments (#1 and #2)

Last 10 minutes

  • Do push ups, sit-ups, frog jumps


  • Practice horse stance/bow stance/sweeping stance/empty stance, record one of each

Second Class:


  • Roll hands and ankles, horse stance straight arm stretch, horse stance, bow stance, sweeping stance, empty stance, straight leg stretches, butterfly stretch, middle split, side split.

Teaching how to do 旋风脚(tornado kick), front kick, inside kick, outside kick, point kick

Teach short wushu 套路 segments (#1 and #2)

If have time Start teaching a short form

Last 10 minutes

  • Do push ups, sit-ups, frog jumps


  • Practice front kick, inside kick, outside kick, point kick, record one of each

Third Class:


  • Roll hands and ankles, horse stance straight arm stretch, horse stance, bow stance, sweeping stance, empty stance, straight leg stretches, butterfly stretch, middle split, side split.

Review how to do 旋风脚(tornado kick), front kick, inside kick, outside kick, point kick

Teaching 旋子(butterfly kick)

Review wushu 套路 segments

Teach wushu 散打 components (straight punch, swing punch, backward punch, whip kick,

straight kick)

Finish teaching the short form

Last 10 minutes

  • Do push ups, sit-ups, frog jumps


  • Practice the short form

Fourth Class:

Welcome Parents.

Go over what they learned over the month

  • When I am talking to the parents, the students can stretch and prepare to present.

  • I can make a professional slide that includes the things they record.

Present the students who learned how to do

  • Bridges

  • 前滚翻(front roll), 旋风脚(tornado kick), front kick, inside kick, outside kick, point kick

  • 旋子(butterfly kick)

Next, all students present forms

  • #1 and #2

  • The Short form