
Welcome to the year of hope. We are all hoping 2021 will be better than last year. Let's continue the good work of learning with social distance. Summer Club (July to September) is enrolling. Join us for a variety of classes led by our amazing Junior Teachers who are from 11 years to 18 years old. They excel what they have learned from years and very passionate on teaching their knowledge to other students. These classes first started in October 2020. They are all well received by parents and students. Click here to review 2020 Autumn classes , 2021 Winter classes and 2021 Spring classes

2021 Summer classes

Welcome everyone who are 6 years or older to join the following class. Classes will be conducted in English via Zoom with a small project to practice what they learn during the classes. Classes are once a week during weekday evenings and weekend afternoon.

Classes to be offered from June to September 2021 are

  • Advance Desert

  • Python

  • Jazz Dance

  • Music

  • Stop Motion

  • Wushu

  • Jump rope

  • Debate

  • Public Speaking

Tuition (from July to September )

For one fee, you can join as much as classes you want.

individual : $85

Sibling discount: $60 discount (so total is $110 for two students of the same household)

Family: $130 (3 or more students of the same household)

For any questions, please contact us at or wechat to : maimsm